現在位置: ホーム イベント Development of next-generation quantum material research platform (Next QUMAT2017)

Development of next-generation quantum material research platform (Next QUMAT2017)

作者: shimoshikiryo 最終変更 2017年11月09日 14時23分
日時 2017年12月04日
13時00分 から 18時00分 まで
場所 University of Tokyo
カレンダーに追加 vCal

【 Dates and Venue 】

Date: 4th. December. 2017,13:00-18:00
Venue: Faculty of Engineering Bldg 8, B1, Lecture Room 85, University of Tokyo
Registration fee : free
Langueage: English
Banquet fee : 6000yen(19:00-21:00, Lever son Verre Hongo

More info


The present workshop aims the international collaborationship, mainly between Japan and US, for the material research 'platform' on the next-generation supercomputers. The 'platform' will realize seamless research of simulation and data-driven science, both for academic and industrial purposes.


Takeo Hoshi,
・Aiichiro Nakano
・Junichi Iwata
・Kengo Nakajima

【Speakers and titles】*under construction

    1. Aiichiro Nakano (University of Southern California)
      'Quantum and reactive molecular dynamics simulations on the next-generation US supercomputers' (Plenary)
    2. Kohei Shimamura (Kobe University)
      'Application of ab initio molecular dynamics simulation to investigate the origin of life'
    3. Takatoshi Fujita (Institute for Molecular Science)
      'Development of fragment molecular orbital method for organic optoelectronic materials'
    4. Junichi Iwata (University of Tokyo)
      'Large-scale first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory with a real-space finite-difference method'
    5. Kazuyoshi Yoshimi (University of Tokyo)
      'Development and enhancing usability of open-source software toward constructing user-friendly platform on supercomputer'
    6. Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno (University of Tokyo)
      'Data-driven diagnosis for compressed sensing with sparse modeling'
    7. Kengo Nakajima (University of Tokyo)
      'Application development framework for manycore architectures in Post-K/Post-Moore era'
    8. Takeo Hoshi (Tottori University)
      'Development of next-generation quantum material research platform'


Acknowledgement:(main fund)


CDMSI (Priority issue 7 of the post-K computer), KAKENHI

【Contact 】

email address (T. Hoshi):nextqumat2017-admin(at)googlegroups.com

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